The Art and Science of Making Sausage

How have your political views changed over time?

In light of current events, I miss the center-right Republican Party. Let’s look at George H. W. Bush. Yes, he was a hawk on Iran but he was a CIA director with a lot of knowledge that most people don’t have. On the other hand, he signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law.

No person is just one thing. If the person in the office behaves with dignity, conviction, and within the bounds of tradition and law, the system will self-correct over time. There is no need for total domination. We lost appreciation for the skill of making the sausage work for as many citizens as possible.

Silent Witness

You get to build your perfect space for reading and writing. What’s it like?

A European cafe on a street corner. Strong coffee and fizzy water on the table. A seat in the corner to watch customers come and go about their day. I should be able to choke out a few lines from at least one of them. It’s helpful that I don’t necessarily understand what they are saying. Tone, posture, gestures speak for them.

Learning about new tools

How are you creative?

Rethinking a problem. Coming up with new solutions. Seeing a problem through a regular user’s perspective

I redesigned all user documentation for our new compliance tool. Still a work in progress. Turned out well though with good comments and areas for improvement

That’s how I am creative. Looking at old problems and coming up with new solutions